Thursday, November 28, 2019
Could Socialism ever Work
Table of Contents Introduction Socialism: A Definition Why Socialism can Work A Case against Socialism Discussion Conclusion References Introduction There are a number of significant economic ideologies currently practiced by governments all over the world. Obviously, the most popular ideology is capitalism, which is characterized by private ownership of property and the means of production and each individual is responsible for their own lives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Could Socialism ever Work? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Socialism is another significant ideology that promises to transform government systems and create a world where fairness and prosperity for all is guaranteed. In spite of its inspiring promises, socialism continues to be viewed with suspicion by many governments and citizens who express doubts about its ability to work. This paper will argue that socialism could work with sign ificant benefits for the entire society. Socialism: A Definition Ludwig (2009) defines Socialism as â€Å"a policy which aims at constructing a society in which the means of production are socialized†(p.20). Socialism advocates for the abolition of the private-enterprise economy favoured by capitalism and the establishment of a system where public ownership maintains a dominant position in the economy. Why Socialism can Work Socialism will lead to a more sustainable community characterized by low poverty rates. High government involvement and a huge welfare system will lead to greater distribution of wealth among the citizenry. Citizens of many developed nations are beginning to acknowledge that the capitalistic system is unsustainable. Problems such as starvation and homelessness are being experienced by the richest countries in the world due to a lack of emphasis on social services. Socialism is characterized by an emphasis on provision of social services by the government . Galbraith and Ludmila (2004) document that this crucial services decrease the mortality rate and increase the standards of living for the citizens. In a socialistic society, the government in exchange for high taxation guarantees pension, housing, and healthcare. Norway, a country that leans to socialism, enjoys very low poverty rates and unemployment rates compared to countries that are primarily capitalistic such as the US. Socialism can work in the current environment where poverty levels are rising and unemployment rates are increasing in most countries. Socialism can work since it provides a feasible way to deal with the gross inequalities that the world currently faces due to capitalism. Citizens in both developing and developed nations all over the world are experiencing growing income disparities that are increasing the divide between the rich and the poor.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These social injustices can be blamed on an exploitative capitalistic system that rewards the capital owners at the expense of the labour providers (Schwartz Schulman 2000). Socialism is the most favourable system for the working class who make up the majority of the population in all countries. The socialism system insists that the worker should play a bigger role in the decision making process in the industry. By doing this, the worker will play an active role in the community and therefore address the imbalances that exist due to the capitalistic system which has made workers inactive players in the industry. Adopting socialism will ensure that a fair system is adopted therefore bringing about social equality. Socialism might work since it provides a means to amend the ills that society currently faces because of capitalism. Specifically, the system proposes to bring back an emphasis on important human values such as compassion and altruism (Ludwig 2009). Because of the individualistic nature of capitalism, these values have been all but destroyed with the emphasis being placed on making a profit no matter the human cost. Socialism will bring back these human values since the system will emphasis on the collective well being of society members. This system will obligate people to put the interest of others ahead of their own and work towards the common interest. It is conceivable that once people see the advantage that A Case against Socialism Opponents of socialism argue that this system would result in a significant reduction in production since people would not have a strong motivation to put direct their energies towards optimal production. A major concept of socialism is that the economy should be run to meet the needs of the majority and not to enrich a few individuals (Busky 2000). This collectivist ideology would be very demoralizing since persons will not be justly rewarded for their individual efforts. However, this argume nt is based on presumptions as opposed to absolute facts. Socialism does not encourage laziness as can be deduced from the socialist principle, which declares â€Å"from each according to his ability, to each according to his work†(Busky 2000, p.115). It can therefore be expected that people will continue working hard even in an economic system that favours public ownership. The wealth and advancement currently enjoyed by the world can be credited to the capitalistic system. For this reason, policy makers and citizens fear that a socialism system will lead to a decrease in wealth creation and advancement. This fear is not unfounded since historically, countries that practice capitalism have experienced greater growth than those practising socialism (Ludwig 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Could Socialism ever Work? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Private ownership is therefore regarded as the foun dation of economic growth and advancement. However, public ownership does not necessarily lead to poor economic performance as can be seen from the case of China, which has experienced monumental economic growths over the last 2 decades in spite of having a system that is characterized by centralized planning and majority public ownership (Ludwig 2009). Discussion In spite of all the many merits of socialism, capitalism has continued to gain significant support in countries all over the world. While detractors of socialism might see this as a suggestion that a socialistic society would not be feasible, this is not the case. Molyneux (2009) reveals that most people raised in capitalistic societies have been conditioned to view socialism with suspicion and react unfavourably to it. People assume that socialism is synonymous to a charity state where people refuse to work and instead rely on government handouts. The discussions presented in this paper have demonstrated that socialism do es not necessarily result in reduced production. Instead, the system encourages equal distribution and overcomes the many social injustices heightened by capitalism. Conclusion This paper set out to argue that the socialism system could work in the world today with significant benefits for everyone. It began by offering a definition of socialism and proceeded to state some of the reasons why the socialism system can work. Socialism will offer a solution to the harms caused by capitalism and lead to a more equitable society. The paper has also reviewed some of the arguments against socialism and offered rebuttals to the same. From this paper, it is clear that socialism can work in the modern world. However, for this to happen, people need to be educated on what socialism entails in order to remove the many misconceptions and prejudices that most individuals in capitalistic societies have concerning socialism. References Busky, DF 2000, Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey, Greenwood Publishing Group, New York. Galbraith, J Ludmila, K 2004, ‘The Experience of Rising Inequality in Russia and China during the Transition’, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 87-106.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ludwig, M 2009, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Frankfurt. Molyneux, J 2009, ‘Socialism can Work’, Socialist Review, Schwartz, J Schulman, J 2000, Towards Freedom: Democratic Socialist Theory and Practice. This essay on Could Socialism ever Work? was written and submitted by user Irvin Hart to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Mr. Yogesh Vishwanath Chavan †Zero Energy Theory
Mr. Yogesh Vishwanath Chavan – Zero Energy Theory Free Online Research Papers Abstract This zero energy theory has great advantage over all other theories by its inner consistency due to which it can be used at microscopic as well as macroscopic level also. By using this theory, the attempt has been made in order to solve physics some mysterious unsolved problems like, dark matter, definition of space, expansion of the Universe and Gamma ray burst, origin of gravity, loss of mass and jets of black hole, curvature of space-time, equivalence between inertia and gravitational mass, difference in mass of proton and electron even having same value of charge, meaning of antimatter, the Universe with no anti matter etc. Thus, this theory can be used for unification of fundamental forces without need of any string i.e. no need of 11 dimensions, parallel universes, virtual particles like graviton etc. Keywords: Zero Energy, Uncertainty Principle, Gravity, Anti Neutrino, Anti matter. Introduction The energy of a body is its capacity for doing work. Almost all physics law is based upon this term – Energy. In fact, the basic physics law is â€Å"The total amount of energy in the Universe always remains constant and energy neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another form.†We all had accepted this law and are using over hundreds of years without thinking on following points. If energy neither be created nor destroyed, then what is the origin of all the galaxies (matter) in the Universe? In other words, Universe itself violates the above statement. If assume that, some fixed amount of matter was already available in the Universe which fly away apart in terms of galaxies during big bang explosion, then why only that fixed amount of matter was available to the Universe or who supply these fixed amount of matter to the Universe (God?) and why not supplying again? Thus, the statement of â€Å"total amount of energy in the Universe always remains constant†produces only unanswered mysterious questions. The available energy in the Universe is in the form of matter or radiations which are in terms of positive mass. If energy neither be created nor destroyed, then the total amount of energy in the Universe must be zero. Then, where is the negative energy? The only one way of escape from such mysterious questions is to modify above basic law as follow â€Å"The Universe must be continuously creating energy at every point such that the total amount of energy in the Universe should always remain equal to zero†. Thus from above statement, the energy can be created or destroyed in pairs of equal amount of positive and negative energy and for that there is no need of any supplier like God. The Universe is created from zero energy and is still in existence with summation of energy equal to zero. Or, The Universe is a Big Zero. But if it is created from zero energy, then which thing produces pairs of positive and negative energy continuously at every point. The answer is â€Å"Uncertainty Principle†which states that â€Å"Empty space cannot be exactly zero†; hence there should be formation of pairs of opposite sign of energy without violating energy balance as well as uncertainty principle. In other words, â€Å"Unc ertainty principle, itself is the God or Creator of the Universe.†But, if all galaxies are made from positive energy, where is the negative energy? Macroscopic Level (Gravity) Gravitational Constant (G) and Space as Negative Energy The gravitational force between two objects is written as: F = (G*M1*M2)/R2 (1) Where, M1 and M2 are the masses of the two objects, R is the distance between their centers and G is Gravitational Constant = 6.67*10-11 m3/ (Sec2*Kg). This equation is known as Law of Universal Gravitation. In above equation, M1, M2 and R2 are positive values. But, the gravitational force is always attractive force; hence R.H. side of above equation must be negative to represent attractive force. Therefore, gravitational constant (G) must be negative in sign. For e.g. in case of Coulomb’s electrostatic force law, the force between two charged particle is attractive because of multiplication of opposite sign of charge on the particles making negative sign for attractive electrostatic force. While in case of repulsive force, there is multiplication of same sign of charge on the particles making positive value for repulsive electrostatic force. As per law of gravitation, the sign of G must be negative; and dimensional analysis of constant ‘G’ shows that either (Kg/m3) or (Sec2) must be negative. But, Sec2 is a positive value, hence sign of (Kg/m3) must be negative. The gravitational force is an action at a distance force similar to electromagnetic force. In electromagnetic force (action at a distance force), ?0 (Permittivity of free space) and ?0 (Permeability of free space) are constants representing one of the property of space. Hence, G as a constant must have to represent the property of the space. In other words, the above dimensional analysis of ‘G’ shows that property of space representing (Kg/m3) must be negative and that property of space is nothing but critical density of vacuum (space). Or, Critical Density of Vacuum (Space) must be Negative i.e. â€Å"Empty Space must be filled of negative energy particles†. Or what we are saying about â€Å"Dark Matter/ Dark Energy is actually Negative Energy Particles†. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Mass of Neutrino In 1965, Penzias and Wilson announced the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background. They observed an excess flux at 7.35 cm wavelength equivalent to the radiation from a blackbody with a temperature of 2.725 degrees Kelvin. The temperature of the CMB is almost the same all over the sky. The effect of CMB is not because of adiabatic cooling of photons due to expansion of Universe from the big bang as per big bang theory, but it is continuous ongoing effect due to uncertainty principle. These CMB radiations or positive energy particles are opposite pair of dark energy in the Universe. Following simple calculation will show that mass of these CMB radiations is closer to the mass of neutrino, M (Approx. 10-39 Kg). From Wien’s Law, a blackbody (the Universe) at temperature T has a maximum wavelength of ?max (m)=0.0029/T. Using this value in Planck’s relation for the CMB radiations, we find E=M*C2=h*f=(h*C)/?max (2) M*C2=(h*C*T)/0.0029 Solving for the Mass (M), we have M=(h*T)/(C*0.0029) =(6.62*10-34*2.725)/(3*108*0.0029) =2.0754 * 10-39 Kg The continuous creation of pairs of energy of opposite sign, due to uncertainty principle solves the horizon problem (the extreme uniformity of CMB radiations in different regions of space). Also, it solves the flatness problem. Flatness problem means the density of the universe is pretty close to the critical density. Zero Energy and No Boundary Condition of the Universe As per thermodynamics, zero energy means no volume condition i.e. no boundary condition. From above theory, the Universe must be started from zero energy or no boundary condition and is still expanding in zero energy or no boundary condition by converting zero energy into pair of positive and negative energy particles due to uncertainty principle. Or, The Universe is expanding in No Boundary Condition. In other words, the Universe not started with big bang explosion, but the matters in the Universe were created with continuous increase in the size of the Universe. The Universe is expanding at the speed equal to the speed of light, from Hubble’s Law. After every one second, the increase in the radius of the Universe must be equal to 3*108 m, or, dR/dt=C=3*108 m/sec. The density of the Universe always remains constant equal to the critical density of vacuum. Let us calculate the matter in the Universe after one second from the birth of the Universe due to uncertainty principle. R=Radius of the Universe after 1 Second=3*108 m, Therefore, M=Matter in the Universe after 1 Second=Rho(Critical)*{4*Pi*R3/3} {Where, Rho(Critical)=Critical Density of Vacuum=7.94*10-27 Kg/m3 for H=Hubble’s constant=65 Km/Sec/Mpc}. = 7.94*10-27*4*(22/7)*(3*108)3/3 =0.9 Kg From above, during early stage, the Universe was not as hot as per big bang theory; but, it was too cold. The gravity effect was very negligible to halt the expansion of the Universe. Hence, the Universe expanded with no barrier for its expansion. With further expansion of the Universe, the gravity effect becomes considerable due to tremendous increase in the matter. From above formula, it can be shown that just after 1000 years; the matter in the Universe was around 2.8* 1031 Kg or 14 times the mass of the sun. It was spread around the Universe everywhere in the radius of approx. 9.48*1018 m (1000*3.16*107*3*108 m) instead of collecting at single point; it was segregated making clusters of matter which finally converts into galaxies. Thus, this theory also solves the structure problem i.e. the existence of large scale structure, like walls of cluster of galaxies and voids. According to Hubble’s law, the age of the Universe is equal to 1/H which is 15 Billion years old. Hence, the size of the Universe (R), is- R=C*t=3*108*15*109*3.16*107=0.142*1027 m Where, 1Year=3.16*107 Sec. The total matter (M) in the Universe after 15 billion years is, M=7.94*10-27*4*(22/7)*(0.142*1027)3/3 M=9.52*1052 Kg (4) Same amount of dark matter exists in the form of space, so that total energy in the Universe becomes equal to zero. The above calculated value of total mass in the Universe is quiet acceptable due to existence of more than billion of galaxies in the Universe and more than billion of stars in a galaxy. Let us calculate how much amount of matter; the Universe must be creating per second at this moment. dV=Increase in Volume of the Universe per second=4*(22/7)*{(R2)3-(R1)3}/3. Where, R1=0.14*1027m and R2-R1=3*108 m ? dV=4*(22/7)*(R2-R1)*{(R2)2+R2*R1+(R1)2}/3=4*(22/7)*3*108*3*(0.142*1027)2/3 R2?R1 =76*1060 m3 ? Increase in Matter of the Universe per Second=7.94*10-27*76*1060 = 0.60*1036 Kg (5) From above it is seen that, really, â€Å"Size does Matter†; i.e., larger the size of the Universe, greater is the creation of matter per second. This large amount of matter (in terms of radiations) at the edge of the Universe may be the source of Gamma rays burst which occurs sixteen times a month and to be roughly uniformly distributed in all direction across the sky. Disappearance of the Sun, Zero Energy and Gravity What will happen, if the sun disappears suddenly? According to Newton’s Classical Theory, the planets will start to move away from the sun instantaneously due to absence of gravitational force. While according to A. Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, there is a universal limit equal to speed of light for transformation of information from one point to another point. Hence, the planets will not start to move away from the sun at same time, but the disappearance of the sun will produce the gravitational waves (Space-time waves) travelling at the speed of light and when these waves will reach towards the planets, they will start to move away from the sun. But, both these theories are on wrong track. Because disappearance of the sun means all energy of the sun vanishes suddenly which will create zero energy density region having volume equal to the volume of the sun. Now, as proved earlier, space is nothing but negative energy; hence the energy density around the su n is negative. Therefore, this zero energy density will exert force on negative energy particles having direction away from the center of the sun. We know that, Force=Mass*Acceleration. But, here, the mass is negative; hence these negative energy particles must have to accelerate towards the center of the sun (-Ve Acceleration). When this effect will reach towards the planets with speed of the light as per general theory of the relativity, the planets will experience attractive force proportional to their mass because of acceleration of space which is nothing but the gravity. The overall effect will be the movement of the planets towards the center of the sun instead of moving away from the sun. This acceleration must be more than the gravitational acceleration produced due to the presence of the sun, because gravitational acceleration produced by the sun is only due to annihilation of the positive mass of the sun with negative mass of the space. From above the gravity can be define d as below: â€Å"Gravitational force is an action at a distance force which is due to creation of zero energy density region around the positive mass because of annihilation of this positive mass with negative mass of the space.†From above analysis, two points come ahead viz. – The source object in order to produce gravitational effect on the other objects must have to lose its mass continuously by making annihilation with negative mass of the space. The object which experiences the gravitational force does not receive any amount of energy from the source object. Hence, for making displacement against the gravitational pull, it must have to convert its available energy into kinetic energy equivalent to the gravitational force multiplied by the displacement made by the object. For e.g., the ball releases from certain height, on the earth, should have to convert its available rest energy into kinetic energy because the ball does not receive any type of energy from the earth. Hence, the rest energy of the ball is not always remains constant, but should have to decrease by converting into kinetic energy. Let us derive the new energy balance equation for both the cases i.e. free fall of the object under gravity and the object thrown in upward direction against gravity of the earth between points A and B (RA>RB). Case 1: In case of a body, falling freely under gravity, there is a continuous conversion of its rest energy into kinetic energy such that at any point in its path, the total energy of the body always remains constant equals to the rest energy of the body. Thus, for freely falling body, (Rest Energy)A=(Reduced Rest Energy)B+(K.E.)B (6) From above formula, let us calculate, the velocity V, at which all the rest energy of the ball converts into the kinetic energy. Therefore, (Reduced Rest Energy)B become equals to zero i.e. (Rest Energy)A = (K.E.)B. From special theory of relativity, (Rest Energy)A=(M0*C2)=(Kinetic Energy)B={M0*C2*[(1/sqrt(1-(V2/C2)))-1]} ? V={?3/ 2}*C= 0.866*C = 2.598*108 m/s (7) As per special theory of relativity, the particle like photon should have only kinetic energy and no rest energy because they are travelling at the speed of light. Hence, at the above derived velocity, the entire kinetic energy of the ball should have to convert into photons where energy of each photon depends upon the temperature of the ball at this velocity, V. Suppose any charged particle (say electron, -Ve charge) falls freely under the influence of very strong gravitational force, then, the entire rest energy of the electron must have to convert into kinetic energy at above derived velocity. But, the electron will never converts into photons because of law of conservation of charge. The charge on the particle prevents conversion of its available energy into photons or in terms of radiations. Charge helps to conserve available energy. If rest energy of particle does not convert into K.E., then charge on particle must have to conserve this rest energy or prevent to convert this re st energy into photons. In other words, Charge is responsible for Rest Energy or Conservation of Energy in Charged Particles. Hence, existence of matter (Galaxies, stars, planets and finally living cells like human being) is due to charge without which entire universe must be filled of only radiations. Any neutral particle if carry some amount of energy, all its stored energy should have to convert into K.E. as there is no such a thing like charge which will prevent conversion of this stored energy into the form of K.E. and then into the form of photons. Neutral particle should have to carry only Kinetic Energy. Therefore, free neutrons are not stable, because neutrons do not carry any charge, hence all its stored energy must have to convert into Kinetic Energy, while in nucleus of atom, the charge on proton prevents neutron to convert its available rest energy into kinetic energy. Case 2: Consider a ball thrown in upward direction against gravitational field of the earth from point B to point A. As per classical theory, for throwing a ball in upward direction, we have to supply kinetic energy to the ball, which then converts into potential energy, when ball after achieving certain height comes to rest. First of all, the concept of supplying kinetic energy to the ball looks like strange idea, because there is only one way of supplying kinetic energy to any system i.e. nothing but photons. Here, you are supplying only kinetic energy and no rest energy to the ball and for achieving this, you have to transfer photons from your body through hand to the ball without any loss of photons to the surrounding. Is it possible? No. In case of inertia also, when we apply the force on an object (Inertial Mass) in order to move it with certain velocity, we are not transferring any type of kinetic energy to the object by application of force. In all these cases (inertia mass as well a s gravitational mass) the object converts some amount of its available rest energy into the kinetic energy which depends upon the value of force. Thus, this theory also achieves â€Å"Equivalence between Gravitational Mass and Inertial Mass†from the point of view that â€Å"Due to Application of Force in both cases, the object converts some amount of its rest energy into kinetic energy which depends upon the value of the force†. Therefore, (Rest Energy)A=(Reduced Rest Energy)B+(K.E.)B (8) The equations (6) and (8) both are same which shows consistency in this theory. The theory also eliminates the need of potential energy which is required in case of classical theory, where to determine potential energy at any point some datum reference point is required like surface of the earth. Why experiment have not been conducted to know the difference of rest mass (or rest energy) at point A and at point B, when the object will be thrown in upward direction. If experiment is carried out, you should get same amount of rest mass at both points as per this theory; while as per classical theory, the object at point A should have rest mass when it is at rest plus the mass equivalent to supplied kinetic energy at point B. Casimir Effect and Zero Energy It is a small attractive force that acts between two close parallel uncharged conducting plates. Its existence was first predicted by the Dutch physicist Hendrick Casimir in 1948 and confirmed experimentally by Steven Lamoreaux, in 1996. According to modern physics, one can interpret these so called vacuum fluctuations, as pairs of particles and anti particles that suddenly appear together, move apart, and then come back together again, and annihilate each other. But, it is not true. In fact, this effect can be considered as gravitational force between these plates. The negative energy particles (space) between these plates annihilates with positive mass of these plates creating zero energy density between them. While surrounding energy density remains same due to lot of negative energy particles around the plates. This zero energy density is nothing but gravitational pull as proved earlier. Hence, these plates attract towards each other. Therefore, as per modern physics, this effect cannot be linked with the possibility of faster than light (FLT). Loss of Mass of Black Holes and Jets of Black Holes From new definition of gravity, higher the mass of the object, not only there will be more destroy of space (negative energy) giving rise to strong gravitational field. There is same amount of destroy of mass of the object. In other words, for massive objects like black hole, due to above gravity effect, the continuous loss in mass of the black hole should take place. Also, for any object falling freely in strong gravitational field of the black hole, it’s all rest energy must be converted into kinetic energy by gaining velocity, V equals to {(?3/ 2)*C}. The temperature of the object at this velocity must be very high; hence its kinetic energy should have to convert into high energy photons like Gamma rays or X rays making jets around the black holes. Gravitational Red Shift of the Spectral Lines and Loss of Energy It is observed that the wavelength of sodium light coming from the sun (strong gravitational field) is greater than that from the sodium lamp on the earth which gives slight displacement in spectrum of light towards the red end called as gravitational red shift of spectral lines. It is considered as the effect of time dilation (a clock lying in a gravitational field appears to run slow) given in general theory of relativity. But, the time dilation should occur only in strong gravitational field of the sun and is very less in case of gravity of the earth. Therefore, even if it is consider that red shift is due to time dilation on the sun, the light after reaching on the earth from the sun, the red shift in spectral line should have to disappear due to very less time dilation on the earth. Thus, gravitational red shift is not due to effect of time dilation. The photon due to its mass (in terms of kinetic energy) experiences force due to gravity effect produced by the sun. In order to m ove away from the surface of the sun, the photon has to do work against gravity of the sun. Therefore, the energy balance equation can be written as: K.E. of photon at surface of the sun=K.E. of photon at surface of the earth+Work done by photon. This work done must be converted into less energy photons (different wavelength than original photons) which make loss in energy of the main photon. Hence the photon which receives at surface of the earth has energy less than that produced on the sun by amount equal to work done by photon. Therefore, we observed the gravitational red shift of the spectral lines. Curvature of Space-Time and Bending of Light According to Einstein’s General theory of Relativity, a body of high mass bends the space-time continuum around itself. The continuum becomes curved. In May 1919, during total solar eclipse, the deviations in the position of the stars which appears to be lying in the neighborhood of the sun disc were observed in gravitational field of the sun due to the deflection or bending of the rays of light coming from stars. Hence, confirming this prediction of the General theory of Relativity. In fact, there is no such a thing happening like curvature of space-time continuum in strong gravitational field. There is nothing like singularity in case of black holes or concepts like worm holes, the terms appears due to curvature of space-time continuum. The correct reason for the bending of light in strong gravitational field can be explained as below: The photon contains energy in the form of kinetic energy, (K.E.=m*C2); hence, the energy or mass of the photon experiences strong gravitational force. We know from Newton’s first law of motion, force is that external agent which changes the state of rest or of uniform motion of a body along a straight line. By applying a force we can change (1) the magnitude or (2) the direction or (3) both magnitude and direction of the velocity of the body. In case of photon, it is travelling at the speed of light; hence, it is not possible to reduce its velocity as per special theory of relativity. Therefore, the effect of gravitational force is to change the direction of photon from rectilinear motion. The following simple calculation will show that the bending of light do not depends upon energy of the light, but entirely depends upon its distance from the sun and mass of the sun. Thus, for all type of photons from higher energy to lower energy photons, the bending effect remain same whic h is considered by Einstein as curvature of space-time. Consider a ray of light which is travelling in a rectilinear direction at a distance of 109 m from center of the sun and parallel to the surface of the sun. Then, as per second kinematical equation and from Newton’s law of gravitation, S=Displacement of photon towards the sun=(u*t+0.5*g*t2), where, u=Initial velocity of the photon in the direction of displacement=0; g= Gravitational strength of the sun or acceleration of photon=-(G*M)/R2, G=Gravitational Constant=6.67*10-11 m3/(Kg*Sec2), M=Mass of the sun=2*1030 Kg, and R=Distance of photon from the sun=109 m. Let us calculate this displacement of the photon for time of travel equal to 1 Sec. Note that, the above eq. is independent of energy or matter of photon. S={0*1-[(0.5*6.67*10-11*2*1030*12) / (109)2]}=-66.7 m Figure 1: Bending of light The Projectile motion of light under strong gravity From above figure.1, for one second of travel of photon or for travel of photon at a distance equal to 3*108 m, the photon is displaced towards the sun about 66.7 m. Thus, the effect of bending of light in strong gravitational field of the sun is not due to any curvature of space-time, but it is the case of the projectile motion under the influence of gravity. It is similar to the parabolic path made by the ball on the earth which is thrown in upward direction at an angle to the surface of the earth. Therefore, there is nothing like concept of curvature of space-time in case of defining gravity. Microscopic Level (Matter and Anti-Matter) The Difference Between Mass of Electron and Proton In case of electrostatic force, we can use same equation (6) or (8) from point of view of application of force (i.e. no supply of kinetic energy from external medium). Here, the kinetic energy of the electron will be integral of electrostatic energy between radius during the origin of the electron (i.e. from the neutron) and the orbital radius of the electron around nucleus of atom (For H2 atom, the orbital radius of the electron at ground state is 5.29*10-11 m). The equation can be written as below: (Reduced Rest Energy)=(Rest Energy)-(Kinetic Energy) (9) But, Kinetic Energy = ? (Fe*dR) = ? {q2/ (4*?*?0*R2)}*dR = ? {e/ R2}*dR e= {q2/ (4*?*?_0)} ? Kinetic Energy = {(e/R1)-(e/R2)} = {(e*(R2-R1))/(R2*R1)} Where, R1=Radius during origin of the electron and R2= Orbital radius of the electron in H2 atom If the R.H. side of the above equation (Reduced Rest Energy) becomes equal to zero, then we can calculate the radius during origin or birth of the electron. By rearranging terms, we get R1 = {(e*R2)/((R2*M0*C2)+e)} = {(2.567*9*10-29*5.29*10-11)/((5.29*10-11*9.1095*10-31*9*1016)+(2.567*9*10-29))} ? R1 = 2.8178*10-15 m (10) Where, M0=Rest mass of the electron=9.1095*10-31 Kg This is closer to the radius of the neutron which shows that the birth of electron occurs at periphery of neutron. The above calculation shows that â€Å"Rest Mass of Electron i.e. 9.1095*10-31 Kg is due to Birth of Electron takes place at Periphery of Neutron i.e. apprx. at 2.82*10-15 m†. Note that the value of R1
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Safety program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Safety program - Essay Example They would be held accountable if lack of safety management tools would result in an unfortunate event within their organization. The Senior Management would have the authority to direct, control or change any policy, procedure or accountability assigned to any personnel as they are the main decision makers. However, it would be the responsibility of the assigned Committee / Executive to manage the operational activities and SMS implementation & continuation. First step in implementing an SMS is to define the requirements in a Safety Policy and align it with safety standards at both national and international levels. Safety Policy should be clearly communicated with willing endorsement throughout the organization. Periodic review of the same should also be ensured. The responsibility for managing the SMS is given to one Accountable Executive or a Committee is designed (outsourced help if required). This is a focal point of an SMS to be effective. From then it becomes the responsibili ty of the Committee or Executive to assign safety responsibilities to all employees for their support, involvement and ownership of the issue, since employees are the best source for identification and control of hazards. According to Hawthorne effect employee involvement increases their productivity so it is win-win situation for both.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Democracy - Essay Example Lord Bryce states that democracy is â€Å"the form of government in which the ruling power is vested not in a particular class but in all the persons of a state†. Abraham Lincoln defined it as â€Å"democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people†. Carl Becker defined democracy as â€Å"a democratic form of government has always meant one in which the citizens, or a sufficient number of them to represent more or less effectively the common will, freely act from time to time, and according to established forms, to appoint or recall the magistrates and to enact or revoke the laws by which the community is governed†(Modern Democracy). Pre-Requisites of Democracy Democracy is a system, which is successful in a sound political system. Such an atmosphere can be created by enhancing the literacy rate, improved socialization, active involvement of citizens in national politics, replacement of sentimental and violent politics with rational thi nking and pacific means, entrance of acceptance and tolerance in political life, and superiority of the national interests. Democracy may flourish only if everyone is given opportunity to participate in political activities and exercise of state powers on basis of merit and ability. However, several professional politicians are creating monopoly in politics due to political ignorance and lack of awareness. Political parties and democracy are nothing without each other. About all states in the world have political parties and representative groups to strengthen the democratic form of government. Democracy develops through unionism, associations, interest groups, and pressure groups. They communicate national problems to people and opinions of the people are made. Democracy is such a political system, which ensures right of opposition and criticism to put government on the right track. While exercising its powers, government may ignore the charter and abuse powers. A strong opposition is therefore necessary to keep government within its limits. Media is often considered as the backbone of democratic system. It serves as a bridge between government and the people. The role of media in the development of democracy is essential, therefore its independence must be ensured. Furthermore, development of democracy requires that regionalism and sectarianism must be discouraged and even to be rooted-out. These things divert attention of government from welfare and development activities. As rulers are representatives, they are responsible before people. Accountability to check government acts results in increased life and quality of democratic systems. Judiciary in this regard is a type of check valve in the system. It must be independent and effective to preserve the rights of the community. Characteristic Conditions of Democracy In democratic states, all people, irrespective of any discrimination, are citizens. According to the traditional concepts, as Aristotle says, à ¢â‚¬Å"all persons of a state are not citizens as slaves†. It is democracy, which gave equal rights and opportunities even to both sexes and all inhabitants. In this form of government, no one is allowed to rule forever but government changes according to changing conditions. Periodical elections are scheduled to change governments peacefully and through constitutional means. Government is responsible before parliament in parliamentary form of government and representatives are responsible before the electorates. In this political system, representatives have desire for re-election that compels parliamentarians to respect people suggestions. Democratic system ensures that all decisions are made on majority basis and state administration is run according to the will of the majority.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Take-home Final Exam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Take-home Final Exam - Term Paper Example Although the two characters share interest in literature and philosophy, nothing happens between them until the death of a restaurant critic who lived on the second floor where a businessman, Ozu reveals their secrets. The Elegance of the Hedgehog is very significant to the readers as it examines themes in both literature and philosophy. Barbery confesses that he had followed a long, boring course of studying philosophy to help understand what surrounds him. Barbery also says that literature taught him more on the exploration of philosophy to one’s life and how to survive. I recommend the novel because it addresses the themes of class conscious and conflict as it talks about French class-based discrimination and hypocrisy of the characters to maintain their social status. The book also has literary allusions, referencing comic books, movies, music and paintings that can motivate the readers to continue reading. In addition, such literary styles instill literary skills and knowledge to readers both in philosophy and literary works. The novel is rich with themes that are applicable to the real life situation, among other areas, for instance, the issue of personal conflict. This is evident where Renee is not comfortable with herself and gives a low definition of herself. This particular theme applies to many individuals in real life situation and, therefore, the reader identifies with it. The book also reveals two distinct classes of living: high class and low class. Paloma represents the individuals of high class living while Renee represents individuals of the low class though feigned. This aspect exposes the reader to the two social and economic states which in real sense is hard to understand. Additionally, the book provides diversity in an age where Paloma is only 12 years old while Renee is 54 years old. This makes the literary work a good and comfortable material for
Friday, November 15, 2019
Chinese Elements Embodied In Hollywood Films Cultural Studies Essay
Chinese Elements Embodied In Hollywood Films Cultural Studies Essay Abstract: Under the circumstance of the cultural globalization1; the movie ,as a way of media , has become the quick-launched bridge between the two sides in international cultural communication. The Hollywood cartoon movie-Kung Fu Panda2 ,a action comedy movie entitled with Chinese Kung Fu , shows the world the charm of Chinese culture. In the angle of cultural globalization, this essay forms a conclusion of the revelations people can get by demonstrating the details of Chinese elements and culture embodied in the film Kung Fu Panda. Key words: cultural globalization, Chinese culture and elements , Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda is another cartoon film based upon the Chinese culture after the movie Mu Lan that draws people s attention to the Chinese traditional culture . Of course ,people can see the Chinese elements obviously from the name of this movie-Kung Fu Panda. Kung Fu and panda, the two words are too meaningful although they are simple enough nearly known by everybody. At first , Kung Fu is the quintessence of Chinese culture; and the panda is the national precious treasure of China . When they are combined together as Kung Fu Panda is already attractive enough to draw the peoples curiosity. During the live show of this movie in the world , it has stirred a strong trend of learning Chinese culture in the whole world. The movie tells a story of a fat lazy giant panda that transforms himself into a great a great Kung Fu master a Dragon Warrior. This dragon warrior was raised by a duck , and coached by a great Kung Fu master , WuGui ( a turtle). Although he lives a ordinary peoples life , he has achieved a great dream by saving the Peace Valley from the evil villainous snow leopard-Tai Lung. In the ancient China , a normal panda , Po, ultimately becomes a hero with his strong will and unwavering faith-A real warrior never quits. In this film , we can see lot of Chinese cultural elements everywhere. At first , what draws peoples attention tightly is that the distinctive animal panda .Although the panda , Po , in this film is a clumsy, naÃÆ' ¯ve and fat a animal .But beyond that, we can see the determined and faithful qualities as well .The film maker makes the panda , Po, a Kung Fu lover who is always dreaming to be a warrior. The idea of letting a giant panda become a Dragon Warrior allows audience to give free rein to their imagination ,which tightly hold audiences attention. As a ambassador , the panda make s people in other countries more interested in China and Chinese cultures. Like the movie which is called Kung Fu Dream , the Chinese Kung Fu in this film is also a typical symbol of Chinese culture .The Chinese Kung Fu is said to be the most great point that push so many people at home and abroad to see Kung Fu Panda in cinemas. Undoubtedly, since Li Xiaolong, the first person who introduced the Chinese Kung Fu to the people in the world on screen many years ago , more and more people have been keen on the magic Wu Shu . In the movie , we can see all kings of Kung Fu , such as Tai Chi, the five elements boxing, 12-shaped boxing, etc. Although it is a cartoon movie , the scenes in the cartoon film also show the Chinese Elements. All the props , sceneries and architectures in the film are designed carefully in Chinese style. Firstly , the scenes in the cartoon film visually look like the Chinese Monochromes. Besides, the mountains ,rivers , ancient temples and houses altogether with all the other beautiful natural sceneries somehow remind the audience of the image of ancient China. There is no doubt that the music is the Chinese element that go through the whole movie. What comes first is the opening song -Hero, and then comes the sound of gongs played by Qiang Di and wooden flute with graceful and restrained voice, all these things send out a strong feeling of Oriental charm. The lively sound of Gu qin and XianZi , connected by a small section of the solo sound of the Duduk , makes people feel like listening to the Chinese classical music. Although all these songs are sung in English , yet people can also sense the Chinese style in the music. In spite of the whole story of the panda and how he defeat the evil, the Chinese philosophical thinking is also embodied in some sentences. In this film, the directors implicate Chinese philosophical thoughts in some simple lines . For instance, the master Wu Gui in the film is a wise man. One of the most famous words given by master Wu Gui is that Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift. That is why we call it the present. The word present has two meanings-gift and at present. Here, the words are wisely used to tell a smart truth. In the movie , enlightened by the dragon scroll, the panda -Po also finally understand that he has to be his own hero. Once someone is empowered to achieve anything he wants, he has to set his mind on it so as to achieve his goals. Also, there are still many other Chinese cultural elements which are embodied in the film. For example, the Chinese relationships between the apprentices and masters in the Kung Fu Panda. Above all , Kung Fu Panda is embodied with the typical Chinese culture which is made up of a lot of things such as Chinese peoples diets , Chinese peoples lifestyles ,Chinese traditional medicines and so on .What people can learn from this phenomenon? And why the Kung Fu Panda isnt made in China ? Cultural globalization is happening in todays world. As the cultural globalization spreads all over the world inevitably fast, nations are confronted with the clashes. When you are walking in the streets ,you can find the KFC and the McDonalds restaurants at almost every corner of the street in most of the modern cities in China. You can also see the Starbuck located at the bottom of many office buildings in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing in China. We can find some of foreign movie actresses wearing the Chinese-style dress and actors wearing Chinese Tang suit to attend the important meetings. To some extent , the Chinese festivals, food, music and art are also affecting the world. Therefore, it is not surprised at all for us to find a Hollywood Kung Fu Panda .Through the Kung Fu Panda, the Hollywood DreamWorks successfully opened the biggest market with endless business opportunity. Today ,cultural globalization provides people a stage to present our Chinese culture to the whol e world. As we all know, there are so many Confucius Institutes in many countries where foreigners are learning Chinese culture, Chinese language and Chinese custom well. From this point of view , it can be seen that the cultural globalization is an inevitable trend. Acting rationally towards intercultural communication is the only correct attitude towards cultural globalization. In the era of the rapid spread of cultural globalization, the development of national culture more and more relies on other countries and the promotion of the other countries cultures .Thus we Chinese people should not only inherit our ancestors valuable fortune-Chinese culture, but also make it known to the people in the world. Notes: Cultural Globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values across national borders. Through the process of sharing the ideas and values of one culture to another ultimately leads to an interconnectedness between various populations from diverse cultures. Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American computer-animated action comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was directed by John Wayne Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb. Set in a version of ancient China populated by anthropomorphic talking animals, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda named Po who aspires to be a kung fu master. When an evil kung fu warrior is foretold to escape from prison, Po is unwittingly named the chosen one destined to bring peace to the land, much to the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Hard Times - The Theme of Education Essay -- English Literature
Hard Times - The Theme of Education In this piece I intend to explain how Dickens is trying to represent education in the Victorian era and how he feels about the style of teaching that is widely used during his times. I also intend to make references to how the representation of Victorian schools by Dickens compares, historically to the actual conditions in a school from the Victorian era. As soon as the book begins we are introduced to a style of teaching that is dependent only on facts. One of the main characters of the novel is Thomas Gradgrind and he is the enforcer of this utilitarian style of education and is described as a man who is very strict. Dickens introduces us to this character with a description of his most central feature: his monotone appearance and attitude. â€Å"Stick to facts, sir!†This exclamation suggests that the character likes to shout and sound firm. The short, punchy sentence suggests an assertive and strong character. Dickens also makes Gradgrind seem boring and grating by the gravelly and rough sound of his name and how it is pronounced. â€Å"Grind†, in particular suggests the grindstone, and flogging away at work constantly and is associated with the mechanical, repetitive drudgery of the factory system. Dickens also employs the outer appearance of Gradgrind to parallel the inner personality of Gradgrind, â€Å"Square coat, square shoulders and square legs†. This seems to highlight Gradgrind’s nature of unrelenting rigidity. Dickens also uses tricolons to really exaggerate the impression of this character being dull, boring and old fashioned. As a result, his educational ideas are seen to be dull and boring too. We get the overall impression from Dickens that he doesn’t ... ...stressed by the ‘factory’ style approach to the children and their education. He exaggerates this to show the ‘production line’ attitude to education is wrong and does not help the child. He believes that the school in Hard Times treats all children the same and there is no exception to the rule. He sees it as a rather utilitarian style approach, a ‘one size fits all’ kind of regime and believes that this system has obviously failed. His distress seem to turn to the kind of anger a activist would show in a protest and in a way his writing of the book is his form of a protest which is made through humour. He strongly believes that children at such an early stage in their childhood are too young to be exposed to such a formal and rigorous style of education and should instead be allowed to express their emotions and have their youthful imaginations nurtured.
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