Thursday, January 23, 2020
Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? :: European Europe History
Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? Between the years of 1890 and 1908 there was a period of relative stability in the Balkan area. Whilst, in this essay, it is my primary objective to look at what factors caused this, it is first important to understand that the climate was only stable in comparison to the years before it - when there was great tension, argument and conflict. It would be naà ¯ve to assume that after 1890 there was none of the aforementioned; the importance of the word 'relative' should not be overlooked. Take, for example, the infamous Armenian massacres of 1894 and 1896. At that time there were about a million Armenians under Turkish rule. They were a badly oppressed minority, discriminated against in just about every conceivable way. When the Armenian people began to press for improved rights and independence, the Turkish reaction was to silence them through acts of murder. This is clearly not an act usually associated with stability. Another prime example that the stability in the Balkans was only ever relative is the crisis of 1903. The Serbian King was assassinated in a military coup and replaced by King Peter, who belonged to a different dynasty. He was pro-Russian which angered Austria-Hungary, who had been allied with Serbia. Austria-Hungary placed economic sanctions on the Serbs in the hope of forcing them back into an alliance, but this only succeeded in worsening relations between the two and pushing Serbia into Russian hands. That said, there is no doubt that the climate surrounding the Balkans was far more relaxed and stable between 1890 and 1908 than it had been for many decades beforehand. There were several factors that contributed to this, the primary reason being (in my opinion) the change in Russian foreign policy. Before 1890, Russian was often the root cause of tension and conflict, because of her foreign policy objectives - she had two principle objectives: to unite the Slav people of the Balkans, in order to create a 'Greater Motherland', and also to gain greater access to The Straits. This was most evident in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877, where Russia had emerged victorious, and attempted to create a 'Bigger Bulgaria' of Slav people in the (eventually) abortive treaty of San Stefano. After 1890 Russia felt that if they continued to pursue their interests in the Balkans, it was a lot of trouble for possibly no gain, so instead she began looking to the East and the far greater opportunities for expansion in China, Japan and Manchuria.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
North Korea and South Korea
In North Korea, a dictator rules the county and currently their dictator is Kim Jung l_JNI. Also, North Koreans government is very strict about people from other countries traveling to North Korea. Tourists are only allowed to enter the country if there is a guided tour and independent traveling to North Korea is not allowed. However, South Korea, is a republic with a president. As of now, their president, who is the first female president elected, is park Gun Hey. Their country has elections for a new president every five years.Additionally, anyone and everyone can travel to South Korea whenever they want. Every country or state has different cultures and lifestyles. In North Korea, art is didactic and they create many beautiful artworks. Calligraphy, music, painting and pottery are all various types of art that is produced in North Korea. Their paintings are usually drawings of events that have happened in the past or drawings of nature such as flowers. North Koreans play many game s, especially races and they like to participate in a lot of active activities. In addition, their diet does not contain spicy foods such as chime.In South Korea, art and music is very well known. Buddhism was a great inspiration towards South Korean art and outstanding architecture and artworks are found in Buddhist temples and paintings. Music is very popular in South Korea and one type of genre is Kop. Kop is short for Korean pop and is known all over the world. Just like North Korea, South Korea loves to play games and their traditional board game is bad. Also, South Koreans diet is the total opposite of North Koreans diet. In South Korea, spicy foods are very common and the national dish is chime.Lastly, both North and South Korea have a traditional dress called handbook that is mainly worn on New Years. Education is an essential need in everyone's lives. In North Korea, people are mainly interested in the subjects technology and science. Also, in the early 1 sys the education system was divided into one year Of kindergarten, four years of primary school for ages six to nine, and six years of senior middle school for ages ten to fifteen. The most important institution is Kim – sung University. South Koreans academic environment is very competitive.Nearly all the nation's top schools are located in Seoul, South Korea. Primary schools consists of grades one to six and secondary schools consists of seventh to twelfth. The most popular university in South Korea is Seoul National University. The two countries that were known as one are now split into two and has tons of differences and similarities. They compare and contrast in government, culture, and education. Imagining what life would have been like back if North and South Korea were one is difficult due to the disparity in the people's lives and in the country.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Problem Of Sexism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2166 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Sexism Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Sexism exists and will continue to sprout thorns in the vines of modern efforts to promote social progression. Its a reality that is sobering and sharp in the side of activists and marginalized communities, but its history and continuously changing effect on society is interesting considering social norms and how standards are changing. One way that this is reflected is in the way that advertising and marketing has changed, or rather hasnt, in the past 100 years since the 1920s. The shift in the way that women desired to have themselves represented in society was finally brought to light in a way that the modern world of North America had never seen before: Women could vote. While in hindsight, many would see this as a basic right considering that women make up over 50.8% of the modern day population according to the U.S. 2017 Census, it was not a reality until August 18th, 1920. With this right to vote, it represented much more than just being able to determine who would be voted in to office and legislature, it was the first step to kicking down the barred doors of a quelled rage and necessity to be a full and equal part of society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Problem Of Sexism" essay for you Create order With all of this in mind, representation matters to this 50.8% of the world, as its ripples in how it affects culture and stereotypes in society impact the daily lives of women and female identifying communities. This representation or lack of thereof is primarily pushed through advertising and branding. Consumerism is the main driving force of our economy and society, Americans faced with different types of marketing and branding from a daily basis as much as a minute by minute ratio. Analytics can even advertise different products and campaigns depending on your search history on any device. With all of this in mind, why is it that women are constantly objectified and hyper sexualized in ads when the reality is that the majority of women do not see themselves represented or recognized in these campaigns. To further investigate this, My question is Does sexual appeal and sexism within advertising actually work and how does it reflect in the modern market? Aerie v.s. Victorias Secret marketing, and literature review While the demographic of todays market strives towards diversifying the way products are marketed towards women and men, the undertone of using sexuality in an idealized and fantasized manner still prevalent today, one of the most basic examples seen in the Victoria Secret Campaigns where the models often differ from what the customers actually look like. However, this is typical considering that the right to vote for women was only acquired within less than 150 years since the womens suffrage movement. In a study I conducted to examine the general opinion of a random sampling size as to what advertisement the viewer gravitates towards, I presented two different campaigns from the companies Aerie and Victorias Secret companies that market towards the female demographic and sell lingerie and comfort wear. The viewer was shown a campaign ad photo and a video to accompany it. They were then asked the question of Select which Campaign you find to be a better advertisement in which would more so incline you to buy the advertised product which in this case is womens lingerie. and made a selection. Both survey images did not include the company name in order to remain un biased. These results came back in stating that they preferred the Aerie campaign in comparison to the Victorias secret Ad, with only one vote for the Victoria Secret campaign and the other 15 votes for the Aerie advertisement. It can also be noted that in the last year according to Business Insider, that Aeries in store sales went up by a record 38% in the first quarter of 2018, while VS brands went down by 5% last year. This data only further confirms that the market in regard to using sexuality and women as a selling point within advertisements are moving in a different area that supports more so a body positive message no matter what demographic rather than enlisting in providing a photoshopped fantasy. The Aerie campaigns also make it a point within their ads to include that all the photographs and videos used to advertise for the underwear brand are untouched and have not been airbrushed to stray from the organic image. This is a stark contrast to the Victoria Secret campaign which is infamous for retouching and using models who, according to customers who have been interviewed in the past, are hyper sexualized and unrealistic. In the article Empowerment/Sexism: Figuring Female Sexual Agency in Contemporary Advertising by Rosalind Gill, Gill explains how this shift came to be in the modern age. Advertisers had to respond to ?sign fatigue, to viewer scepticism, and also to the impact of feminism on lifestyles and attitudes (Goldman, 1992). Womens increasing financial independence meant that they became targets for new products and also forced a reconsideration of earlier modes of representation: showing a woman draped over a carto take an emblematic image of sexism from the 1970smay not be the best strategy if the aim is to sell that car to women. Moreover, by the late 1980s and early 1990s, advertisers had begun to recognize the significance of many womens anger at being objectified and bombarded with unattainable, idealized images of femininity. Advertisers started to rethink their engagement with female consumers and their ways of representing women. There is also a strategy that advertisers have used in the past in where in the past, the female icon used in adverts were shown as their worth to a man being the most valued aspect of their existence, which can be shown in this example of a vitamins commercial. The commercial displayed below here states that The harder a wife works, the cuter she looks! and when asked how the wife can always seem to thrive on household chores, she responds that she takes her vitamins. The goal here being that if she wants to be worthy of her husbands attention and to be beautiful to him, she must work harder to keep the house running and keep her pep up while doing it. In the early 21st century however, there was a new icon that is identified as a Midriff who encapsulates what is the target audience in this century. The midriff, as defined by Rosalind Gill as a young, attractive, heterosexual woman who knowingly and deliberately plays with her sexual power and is always ?up for it (that is, sex). This figure has become known in some advertising circles as the ?midriff, named after the fashion for exposing this part of the body that was ubiquitous between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s This can be seen for example in the advertisements for the Wonderbra? ® where the woman in the advertisement is seen in a cleavage bearing bra, and in between her breasts is the slogan I cant cook, who cares? The point of it was to use feminism in a way to appropriate it to the benefit of advertising agencies. This strategy called ?commodity feminism tries to take the energy that is in feminist ideals but repackage them where it loses its social and political objec tives. This new shift in this recent time is taking a new direction with how women are depicted in adverts. The modern woman is financially independent, is usually part of the LGBTQ community, and is aware of the deafening results of the #MeToo movement. Above all, what people want in the products that they buy and the adverts that are directed to them is to see themselves in these advertisements. This can be seen in the shaving adverts from the company Billie which uses inclusivity and representation to advertise their razors. The models are some who are minorities, lgbtq youth, and women who get to choose However, Whenever, (and) if (they) ever shave. It is an unprecedented take on traditional shaving campaigns, where the actress or model is a typically a heterosexual white woman who shows that being shaved is the equivalent of being attractive and feminine. Ads like Billie show that generation x women are redefining what it means to be feminine, and are taking power of the definition. Its important to note, that while these are facts and realities of our daily lives, why does it matter? Advertising and Marketing in a hyper consumerist country and world is extremely important because if affects everything in our daily lives. Like said previously, adverts surround us continuously and infiltrate our phones, computers, and social medias as much as 5,000 adverts exposed to a single person daily. And when something becomes a normality, often it can be hard to discern how it is affecting people psychologically. Shaving campaigns from the 1920s are an excellent example as to how something that was used to sell an item became a mentality for the majority of the modern world. The 20s were filled with everything the American dream could offer. Riches, entertainment, luxury, and the liberation of female sexuality that came with the suffragette movement to secure womens right to vote. The Flapper was a stylish young woman who challenged conventional standards, one of them being the lengths of their dresses and lack of sleeves. In this change, shaving companies saw an opportunity to take on a new consumer, and used rhetoric to shame women for body hair. Since much of a womans goal and intention was to marry rich or win the attention of a man, this made them east targets for companies to start gearing products towards females to increase sales. How embarrassing! says the man in the image at seeing a woman with a mustache. This use of shame to make women buy the razors is just a small example at the larger point that marketing an idea can change the mentality of an entire country and world at large. As stated in Provocateur: Images of Women and Minorities in Ad vertising By Anthony J. Cortese, Ads try to tell us who we should and shouldnt be. This couldnt be any truer, in this example where a marketing scheme became a global mentality. Cortese also illustrates the three main trends in advertising towards women. There is a major distinction between what is considered to be appropriate behavior for males and females Males are dominant females are passive insubordinate. The sexual objectification of women requires that they remain silent and lack a voice The masculine role is appreciated it while the feminine counterpart is disregarded or scorned These guidelines to how marketing has affected society is not only unbelievable, but is still relevant to this day in the way that companies seem to gear their strategies when marketing their products towards a changing demographic. In an interview that I conducted with Karen Cudillo, Glamor Magazines college woman of the year, we discussed some of the long term affects of how advertising can either hurt or support women and all identifying persons in the strides to make changes to become a more inclusive and validating society for all persons. As an activist for not just only women, but immigrants and LGBTQ youth, everything matters. You cant put up a billboard and not have the intention of impacting a person. Actions are caused by intentions and those actions have the power to disregard human kind or to bring it to the table and make it a worthy partner in this circle we call life. Karen recalls growing up as a immigrant in the United States and often felt that she did not see hers elf represented in what Corporate America defined as American. There were so many times that I would look at my friends who had dolls who were dressed as doctors, princesses, and career women, and they were all white. It seems silly at first, but in hindsight it is those small details in your upbringing and branding from companies that give off the message that minorities are not destined to be doctors, lawyers, or Vets when they grow up. In essence, it is the little things, and often the big billboard signs that shape the way that society functions. It has only been 150+ years since the start of women having a say in voting results, but since that time much has happened that could lead to a more successful future in where advertising agencies as well as modeling/acting agents will select people who represent the consumers who are buying into the product, rather than just using women as a tool to further exploit and objectify them in society for the pleasure and political agenda of men. While in the past it would have been suitable to display women in a domesticated and minor counterpart to the male species, this is no longer the case and the sooner that agencies realize this, the better they can serve not only the companies in which they are working for, but the people who buy into them.
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